About Us

About Us

As the world grows older, so do we. Yet, with modern times come modern troubles: living a life of relative ease, exercise and a healthy diet often come short. The result? More and more people suffer from painful conditions — and neither cure nor comfort seems in reach. This is why we took it upon ourselves to reserach and design related product to lessen the pain. After all, everyone deserves to live a pain-free life.

Sustainable Development

We have always regarded sustainable development as our primary goal. Through continuous communication and improvement with suppliers, our products and packaging are environmentally friendly. For example, our coconut fiber filler is a by-product from the food industry. Our signature camellia spikes are made from recyclable plastic that uses less energy and fresh water and produces fewer emissions. In addition our box and User Guide are made with recycled and biodegradable materials. All the materials that we use are natural and ethically sourced, made to measure and have passed rigorous quality tests.

Chariy Water

Our founder met Aamira, who could not attend school, because she needed to collect water everyday. This bright, bubbly girl inspired our partnership with Charity: Water. With your purchase, you #givecleanwater to those in need around the world. Thank you for making our world a little brighter.